Upper Mississippi River Sub-Basin Annual Summary Reports

At the end of each calendar year, the cooperating agencies in the Upper Mississippi River Sub-Basin Partnership prepare reports to summarize the progress and results of each project that received U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service funding assistance and was described in the previous year’s annual Monitoring and Response Plan. Annual Summary Reports are available in approximately April of the following year.



Contract Fishing for Invasive Carp Detection and Removal

Detection of and Response to Invasive Carp in the Presence and Invasions Fronts in the Upper Mississippi River

Evaluation of Controls on Density and Behaviors of Invasive Carp in the Lower UMR

      Upper Mississippi River Silver Carp Demographics

Evaluation of Fish Passage for Assessment of Invasive Carp Deterrents at Locks in the Upper Mississippi River

Additional Federal Agency Partner Reports

    eDNA Monitoring in the Upper Mississippi River


Contract Fishing for Invasive Carp Detection and Removal

Detection of and Response to Invasive Carp at the Presence and Invasion Fronts in the Upper Mississippi River

Evaluation of Controls on Density and Behaviors of Invasive Carp in the Lower UMR

    Upper Mississippi River Silver Carp Demographics

Evaluation of Fish Passage for Assessment of Invasive Carp Deterrents at Locks in the Upper Mississippi River

    Collaborative Strategy for Deterrent Barrier Research, Design, Implementation, and Assessment to Minimize the Spread of Invasive Carp in the Upper Mississippi River

Retrospective Assessment of Asian Carp Recruitment Above LD19

Additional Federal Agency Partner Reports

      eDNA Monitoring in the Upper Mississippi River


Contract Fishing for Asian Carp Detection and Removal

Detection of and Response to Invasive Carp in the Presence Front and at the Invasion Front in the Upper Mississippi River

Evaluation of Controls on Density and Behaviors of Invasive Carp in the Lower UMR

Evaluation of Fish Passage for Assessment of Invasive Carp Deterrents at Locks in the Upper Mississippi River

Additional Federal Agency Partner Reports

     eDNA Monitoring in the Upper Mississippi River


Contract Fishing for Asian Carp Detection and Removal

Early Detection of Invasive Carp on the Invasion Front in the Upper Mississippi River

Evaluation of Controls, Impacts, and Behaviors of Asian Carp in the Lower Upper Mississippi River

    Hydroacoustics (USFWS)

    Larval Survey (IL DNR)

    Larval Survey (ISU)

    Population Dynamics (IL DNR)

    Telemetry (USFWS)

Evaluation of Fish Passage for Assessment of Asian Carp Deterrents in the Upper Mississippi River

    IL DNR


Strategy for eDNA Sampling in the Upper Mississippi River


Contract Fishing for Asian Carp Detection and Removal

Early Detection of Invasive Carp on the Invasion Front in the Upper Mississippi River

Evaluation of Controls, Impacts, and Behaviors of Asian Carp in the Lower Upper Mississippi River

Evaluation of Fish Passage for Assessment of Asian Carp Deterrents in the Upper Mississippi River


Contract Fishing for Asian Carp Detection and Removal

Early Detection of Invasive Carp on the Invasion Front in the Upper Mississippi River

Evaluation of Controls, Impacts, and Behaviors of Asian Carp in the Lower Upper Mississippi River

Evaluation of Fish Passage for Assessment of Asian Carp Deterrents in the Upper Mississippi River


Asian Carp Investigation at Lock and Dam 19 and Pool 20 of the Upper Mississippi River: Passage and Habitat Overlap of Native and Non-native Fish

Asian Carp Telemetry Monitoring in Pools 5A-20 in the Upper Mississippi River

Collaborative Strategy for Deterrent Barrier Research, Design, Implementation and Assessment to Minimize the Spread of Asian Carps in the UMR

Detection, Capture Response, and Monitoring of Invasive Carp in the Unestablished Zone: Mississippi River, Pools 1-8; Lower St. Croix River; and Minnesota River

Distribution and Population Dynamics of Asian Carp in the Upper Mississippi River

Ichtyoplankton Monitoring for Evidence of Asian Carp Reproduction in Pools 8-13 of the Upper Mississippi River

Juvenile Asian Carp Monitoring to Document Geographic Range of Recruitment of Asian Carp in the Upper Mississippi River

Potential Use of Deterrents to Manage Asian Carp in the Upper Mississippi River Basin


Distribution and Population Dynamics of Asian Carp in Iowa Rivers

Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Invasive Carp Sampling Report: Upper Mississippi River, Pools 1-5; Lower St. Croix River; Below St. Croix Falls


Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Invasive Carp Sampling Report: Upper Mississippi River, Pools 2; Lower St. Croix River; Below St. Croix Falls