Goal A: Develop a formal framework and secure funding for basin-wide networking and coordinating mechanisms that complement existing and emerging administrative entities.
Goal B: Develop public information and education programs to disseminate information that supports fishery resource management in the Mississippi River Basin
Goal C: Develop an information management program based on standardized methods for collecting and reporting fishery resource data, basin-wide.
Goal D: Determine and document the socio-economic value of fishery resources and related recreation.
Goal E: Improve communication and coordination among entities responsible for fisheries resource management in the Mississippi River Basin.
Goal F: Periodically identify and prioritize issues of concern in the Mississippi River Basin for coordinated research that supports cooperative resource management.
Goal G: Identify and coordinate fishery management programs to address species and habitat concerns from an ecosystem perspective.
Goal H: Develop compatible regulations and policies for fishery management to achieve interstate consensus on allocation of fishery resources.
Goal I: Develop protocols, policies and regulations for disease control, introduction of exotics, maintenance of genetic integrity, and maintenance and enhancement of indigenous species.
Goal J: Preserve, protect and restore fishery habitats basin-wide