At the end of each calendar year, the cooperating agencies in the Lower Mississippi River Sub-Basin Partnership prepare reports to summarize the progress and results of each project that received U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) funding assistance and was described in the previous year’s annual Monitoring and Response Plan. Annual Summary Reports are available in approximately April of the following year. The Lower Mississippi River Sub-Basin Partnership received USFWS funding assistance to implement high priority projects in support of the sub-basin’s Asian Carp Control Strategy Framework and the National Asian Carp Management and Control Plan for the first time in 2020. Project proposals were developed and submitted through MICRA to the USFWS for funding consideration. Project work plans were developed for each approved project receiving USFWS funding assistance and are included in the 2020 Mississippi River Basin Monitoring and Response Plan. Some projects were initiated in late 2020, however the majority of the projects are being implemented during 2021. Therefore, the first Annual Summary Reports describing progress and results of projects implemented by the Lower Mississippi River Sub-Basin Partnership will be available in early 2022.
Continuation and Expansion of Invasive Carp Movement and Assessment to Inform Management and Removal Efforts in the Lower Mississippi River (LMR) Basin
Control of Invasive Carp in the Lower Mississippi River Basin
Effects of invasive carp larvae on the abundance, distribution, and assemblage structure of native zooplankton in Louisiana’s Atchafalaya River Basin
Diets and Detectability of Invasive Carps
Determining Product Quality Parameters to Expand Market Potential for Louisiana Invasive Carp
Mass Removal of Overwintering Invasive Carp in the Lower Mississippi River
Spatial and Temporal Expansion of Abundance and Distribution of Early Life Stages Sampling of Invasive Carp in the Atchafalaya Basin
Invasive Carp Removal using Commercial Fishers
Asian Carp Movement and Assessment to Inform Management and Removal Efforts in the Lower Mississippi River Basin
Assessment of Dietary Overlap and Effects on Native Fish
Control of Asian Carp in the Lower Mississippi River Basin
Developing an adaptive framework based on connectivity for evaluating management actions that limit bigheaded carps access to floodplain lakes
Identifying Asian carp markets to support harvest
Identifying Overwintering Habitat of Silver and Bighead Carp in the Lower Mississippi River: Implications for Harvesting and Population Reduction
Abundance and Distribution of Early Life Stages of Asian Carp in the Lower Mississippi River Basin
Control of Asian Carp in the Lower Mississippi River Basin
Additional Federal Agency Partner Reports