External Documents:
Documents provided in this section are for dissemination purposes and do not necessarily represent the position of MICRA or its indvidual member agencies.
Member Agency Documents:
- 2012 ORFMT Asian Carp Flier – Ohio River Fisheries Management Team
- 2003 Ozark Pool Paddlefish Report – Arkansas Fish and Game Commission
- 21st Century Floodplain
- Ecosystem Restoration
- Forty Years of Controversy and Achievement in North American Fisheries — Riverine Fisheries
- Levees and Floodplain Management
- LMRCC Fishing Guide
- Natural Floodplain Ecosystems
- Reservoir and Channelization Projects
- Slackwater Navigation Projects
- The Cal-Sag and Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal: A Perspective on the Spread and Control of Selected Aquatic Nuisance Fish Species
- Vision for a Healthy Gulf of Mexico Watershed – US Fish & Wildlife Service